BIOL1322 Austin Community Coffee and Type 2 Diabetes Literature Review

§A 3 page, properly-formatted, nutrition review paper using a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed/ scholarly research journal articles.

§An APA or MLA formatted bibliography page with a list of all the references used as cited within the paper.

§A copy of each of the article’s abstracts (or the complete articles) that you used in your paper.

I suggest setting up your literature review paper something like this:

1. Introduction – Overview of the topic and general information about your topic & why your topic is important. Remember to not use 1st person in research writing. Avoid using a casual tone in your wording.

2. Body – This part is where you write a summary, in your own words, about each of the articles. You can do a different paragraph for each article. I am just looking for an overall summary of what the research aimed to find out & what the results were. You need not go into much detail about the methodology (just the major things like what the parameters of the research were: many participants; what was tested, etc.). Avoid sounding ‘biased” about the topic; avoid using a casual tone; & avoid using 1st person.

3. Conclusions: In this section you will want to give a “wrap-up” of what conclusions you have made about the topic based on your articles.

4. Include a BIBLIOGRAPHY/ Works Cited page – Done in APA or MLA format

MN506 Group Project Case 2 – Carpenter case, health and medicine homework help

APA Style, Font 12, Times New Roman, References 3, double spaced, Original, no plagiarism, work is checked with turnitin

Introduction/overview of the assignment and purpose of Carpenter case 2 – 1 page

Liability Issues – 1 page

Parties involved and who should be sued – 1 page

Defenses of the parties – 1 page

Case 2 – Carpenter case

In this unit, you will explain how you view your role as an advanced practice nursing leader and change agent from an ethical and legal perspective. You will be placed in a group for your Unit 7 and 9 group Projects by your instructor or you will be allowed to choose a group. There are two malpractice case scenarios that are described in the Assignment directions. Your instructor will assign your group either the Pinnelas case or the Carpenter case. The group works starts in Unit 1 with accessing the group area to share contact information. By the end of Week 2, your group will have developed a contract that will delineate the group work for the Unit 7 legal paper and the Unit 9 health policy WebQuest. This is an ongoing Project that culminates in Week 7 with a paper and in Week 9 with the WebQuest.

Module 8 Community Health and Vulnerable Population Paper

Module 8 Community Health

Now that you have spent the last 7 weeks looking at community health from a fairly wide lens, think about your own community. Considering what you learned about the multidimensional nature of health and the major determinants of health, and in a in a post of a minimum 125 words, identify the greatest threat to the health of your community. Include in your answer how the issues impact you personally or may play a role in your future career. In other words, what is the biggest takeaway from this course?

****Additional information

Course Description:

This course is designed to assist students in recognizing and analyzing the interrelationships between individuals, population group, and communities in determining the health status of each. Students will explore the complex determinants of health and disease, the impact of economic, social, environmental and cultural concerns on community health status, and community organizations that help shape community health. Course content integrates concepts from behavioral, biological and natural sciences, with emphasis on epidemiology, to examine the history and foundation of community health.

1. At the end of this course, students will be able to discuss the principles and foundations of community health by: a. identifying various definitions of the term community b. describing the relationship between community health and population health c. discussing the multidimensional nature of health d. identifying the major determinants of health e. identifying serious health threats currently faced by the American public f. describing national, state and local agencies and services that play a role in protecting the health and well-being of our communities

2. At the end of this course, students will be able to articulate the core elements of epidemiology and their relationship to community health by: a. explaining the importance of epidemiology to community health b. explaining the use of commonly used standardized measures of health status. c. identifying the various classifications of diseases and health conditions d. comparing the leading causes of death historically and currently e. distinguishing between various types of epidemiological study designs f. explaining the differences between the three levels of prevention and intervention g. identifying valid and reliable sources of evidence based information for educational and professional use

3. At the end of this course, students will be able to explain the diverse health needs of various subgroups of the U. S. population by: a. identifying disparity factors that influence the health and well-being of minority populations of the U. S. b. describing health concerns of various subgroups of the U. S. population (i.e., mothers, infants, adolescents, young adults, adults, elders) c. discussing the relationship between cultural sensitivity and health and well-being d. identifying risk factors for mental illness or substance abuse e. describing personal and community consequences of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use/abuse

Module 8 Vulnerable population

In a post of 100-125 words, summarize what you have learned in this class. Identify the most important concepts you learned and explain how you might be able to apply these in future courses or in your professional/work environment.

*****Additional information

Course Description: Prerequisite:

This course offers a general framework to study vulnerable populations and a comprehensive overview of risk factors for vulnerability and consequences of health disparities in the United States. Students will learn about trends and patterns of disparity that impact health care access, quality of health care and health outcomes. Major Learning Outcomes:

1. The student will develop an understanding of vulnerability as related to populations and health, and the ability to identify and describe specific at-risk populations by: a. explaining vulnerable and medically underserved or at-risk populations. b. comparing and contrasting specific at risk populations. c. describing individual and community models of vulnerability. d. assessing risk factors associated with vulnerability. e. differentiating and comparing the variations in health, cultural norms, and health care practices among diverse cultural, racial, ethnic, age, and gender groups.

2. The student will evaluate why vulnerability factors exist and how risk factors can lead to inadequate health care access and poor health outcomes by: a. identifying determinants of vulnerability using a broad framework that includes both social and individual determinants. b. appraising the influence of social, cultural, political and economic factors on health, health care access and health outcomes. c. explaining community determinants and mechanisms of vulnerability. COURSE SYLLABUS HUS 3570 3 d. proposing the mechanisms whereby vulnerability influences health care access, quality, and health status. e. developing and describing the consequences associated with vulnerability of medically and underserved populations.

3. The student will evaluate the patterns of health disparity affecting various subpopulations in the United States by: a. describing and analyzing the patterns of health disparity affecting various racial/ethnic, gender, income and sexual orientation groups, including health indicators, rates of disease, and health-related behaviors. b. debating predisposing factors to vulnerability for selected subpopulations. c. accessing, synthesizing and reporting on current scholarly research related to health disparities and explaining how the findings could be used to guide services for vulnerable populations.

4. The student will explain the current strategies to serve vulnerable and underserved populations in the United States by: a. describing how vulnerability if fundamentally linked with national resources. b. evaluating federal, state, local and private initiatives to address disparities in health and health care access. c. comparing and contrasting the strengths and weaknesses of the current initiatives targeting health disparities in the United States. d. summarizing local strategies/initiatives targeting health disparities in their own community, and generalizing the findings with their peers. e. articulating the demand placed on medical care and related social and human services by vulnerable populations. f. discussing the Healthy People Conceptual Framework and Initiatives to reduce health disparities in the United States.

SCI 210 Environmetn Science

SCI210 Environmental Science

Lesson 3

Case Study

(Online students see directions below. On campus students will be given instructions by instructor).

Activity 1: Draw What You Know and Gallery Walk

Activity 2: Explore Dead Zone Model Lab

Activity 3: Density

Activity 4: Habitat Squeeze

Activity 5: What Affects Dead Zones?

Activity 6: What Can You Do?

Activity 7: Case Study

Complete the case study, The Dead Zone

Link :…

NOTE: These activities may be changed based on student needs at the discretion of the instructor.


STUDENTS: Use library resources or a source like Google Scholar to

Research abut Dead Zones. Next, download and complete the case study

(activity 7)

need help writing a papaer on informatics role in a clinical setting

  • Role description and education level required for the role.
  • Describe their views on how their role impacts patient safety and improves the quality of patient care.
  • Describe the Human Factors faced in the role and other challenges.
  • Express insights gained from the interview.
  • Research and discuss the impact of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Patient Safety Indicators and The Joint Commission Patient Safety Goals in your clinical setting. Describe how these governing agencies impact delivery of direct patient care.
  • Research, discuss, and identify the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER) utilized in your clinical setting. Be sure to get the perspective of your selected informatics professional during your interview.

ASTR1000 University of Colorado Retrograde Motion Mass and Gravity Questions

(1) Acceleration in Orbit

(3 pts.) A spacecraft en route to the International Space Station is orbiting the Earth in a circle. It is experiencing the Earth’s gravitational force and therefore by Newton’s Second Law it must be accelerating. The pilot notices that the spacecraft’s speed is constant. What is changing due to the Earth’s gravity?

(2) Retrograde Motion

(6 pts.) Suppose you hear that right now Mars is in retrograde motion, and that Jupiter is not in retrograde motion but instead is moving normally.

(a) Tonight, will Mars rise in the East or rise in the West?

(b) Tonight, will Jupiter rise in the East or rise in the West?

(3) Gravity on Another World

The planet Kenobi has a radius that is 0.77 times the Earth’s radius and a mass 0.48 times the Earth’s mass.

(3 pts.) (a) Calculate the ratio of the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Kenobi compared with that on the surface of Earth. In other words, Kenobi’s gravity is what fraction of the strength of the Earth’s gravity? (Hint: Reviewing Unit 3.3 may be useful.)

(1 pt.) (b) Where would you weigh more–Earth or Kenobi?

(3 pts.) (c) A Kenobian called Ben weighs 322 Newtons on Kenobi–how much would Ben weigh on Earth?

(4) What is “weightlessness”?
The International Space Station generally operates in orbits at altitudes between 330-435 km above the Earth’s surface. You have probably seen astronauts float about “weightless” up there in “zero-g.”

(1 pts.) (a) Is the Earth’s gravity zero (or negligible) at the altitude of the space station’s orbit? Or is there significant gravity up there?

(2 pts.) (b) If the Earth’s gravity was zero at that altitude, what does Newton’s First Law tell you about how the shuttle would move?

(3 pts.) (c) Calculate the ratio of the acceleration due to the Earth’s gravity g on the surface of the Earth to g at 400 km above the Earth (RE = 6400 km).

(5) In orbit
Newton’s version of Kepler’s 3rd law (the most important equation in astrophysics!) allows us to measure the mass of anything, as long as it has something else orbiting it. It says that the mass of the object is proportional to the orbital size cubed and inversely proportional to the orbital period squared. Suppose you are on a starship exploring a new solar system, observing the orbits of moons around the new planets you’ve discovered…

(2 pts.) (a) Planet Kirk and planet Spock each have one moon, and both of these moons take exactly same amount of time to make one orbit. However Kirk’s moon orbits at a distance of 200,000 km and Spock’s moon orbits at a distance of 300,000 km. Which planet has more mass? Explain. (Note that I am asking you about the mass of planet Kirk and planet Spock. I am NOT asking you about the mass of Kirk’s moon or Spock’s moon.)

(3 pts.) (b) Planet Picard and planet Riker each have one moon, and both of these moons are the same distance away from their planets. However Picard’s moon takes less time to make an orbit. Which planet has more mass? Explain.

(3 pts.) (c) Suppose Picard’s moon takes three weeks to make one orbit, while Riker’s moon takes nine weeks to make one orbit. How many times more mass does your answer to part (b) have?

(3 pts.) (d) What does Newton’s version of Kepler’s 3rd law tell us about the mass of these moons? (The moons, NOT the planets.)

(6) Moons of Mars.
In 1727, Jonathan Swift wrote Gulliver’s Travels in which he described two moons orbiting Mars. About 150 years later, the American astronomer Asaph Hall used a large telescope to discover two moons of Mars and they were named Phobos (“fear”) and Diemos (“terror”). Their motions were surprisingly close to Jonathan Swift’s description. The orbital period of Phobos is 8 hours and that of Diemos about 30 hours.

(2 pts.) (a) Using the information given above and one of Kepler’s laws (which one?), explain which moon, Phobos or Diemos, is farther from Mars.

(2 pts.) (b) Describe the motions of Phobos and Diemos as seen by an inhabitant of Mars at, say, 40° north martian latitude.

(Note: Phobos and Diemos both orbit Mars close to Mars’ equatorial plane and in the same (counterclockwise) direction that Mars spins. Mars’ spin period is close to 24 hours. Drawing diagrams would probably help).

(7) Mass and Gravity

(3 pts.) In the morning, a man steps on a bathroom scale and finds that he weighs 150 pounds. At noon we magically double the mass of every object in the universe. If he steps on the scale before bed, how much will he weigh?

Final Paper

Humans are naturally inquisitive and have always asked questions about the world around them. Many questions could not be answered due to a lack of available technology, but many others could be answered through the process of trial and error. Over time, the way humans ask and answer questions about the natural world was developed and shaped into what is now call the scientific method. It allows scientists to conduct research in a systematic, organized fashion.

As humans make new scientific discoveries, they are able to develop additional technologies. For example, historically people used the bark and leaves from the willow tree to treat fevers and pains. This was a traditional medicine that people shared with one another via word of mouth. As technology advanced, the materials from the willow tree could be analyzed in a lab and the components could be studied to see which natural chemicals were responsible for reducing the fevers and pain. Research showed that the willow tree contained a form of salicylic acid and that this was what gave it its healing powers. This scientific research led to the development of the aspirin we use today which is now mass produced (and that you have probably taken at some point in your lifetime).

You depend on many technologies throughout your day that make your modern life possible. In this assignment you will look at some of these technologies and the scientific discoveries that made them possible. You will evaluate both the negative and positive impacts of these discoveries. You will also broaden your scope to look at how different cultures with different levels of access to technology approach the same problem – health care.

Part I Science in your personal and professional life

Think about your day from the time you wake up to the time that you go to sleep.

  • List four technologies that you rely on and would find it difficult to get through your day/night without. Do these technologies have any negative impacts on your life? Why or why not?
    • Think about your day from when you wake up to when you go to sleep. Describe one scientific discovery that makes modern life possible.
    • List as many negative and positive impacts you can think of that this scientific discovery and the technologies that it allowed to be developed may have. Evaluate and discuss if the positives outweigh the negatives overall, or whether the negatives outweigh the positives.

Part II Science and technology in a multicultural world

Many research programs around the world focus on the discovery of cures to ailments from cancer to mental illness. Modern society invests a great deal of money, and time while pushing the boundaries of modern technology to develop new cures, and improve existing treatments.

Review the following Unit 9 Assignment Resources…

  • Describe one advantage and one disadvantage to the westernized high tech research approach to medical treatment.
  • Describe one advantage and one disadvantage to using traditional medicine as an approach to medical treatment.
  • Are there benefits to having multicultural approaches to medical treatment? Explain your answer.
  • Could these two cultural approaches both be improved by drawing upon the other? Why or why not?
  • Discuss any challenges there may be in combining these two different cultural approaches to treatment that have a very different level of reliance on scientific research and technology.

Basic Writing Expectations:

  • At least 1000 words not counting the title or reference pages.
  • Include a title page, double space, font size 10 or 12.
  • Use a minimum of five sources (with at least one from the Library).
  • Include a highly developed viewpoint/thesis, purpose, and exceptional content.
  • Free of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • No evidence of plagiarism.
  • Use the APA style for all citations.
  • Be original and insightful with no more than 10% taken verbatim from any outside sources

Required Discussion

Review Figure 10.1 on p. 239 and the section “Billing Workflow” on pp. 238 to 239 of your textbook Health Information and Technology Management.

Write a 150- to 350-word response to the following:

  • Discuss at least two components described in the “Billing Workflow” section in Ch. 10 of Health Information and Technology Management.
  • How do these components affect health care reimbursement?


For this assignment, you must first complete the following tasks:

  • Build a 90% complete profile on LinkedIn (Optional step but highly recommended resource)
  • Research professional organizations within your degree field, which is Healthcare Administration.
  • Make a list of people who could serve as professional mentors or career coaches for you.

Then, develop a well-written paper that addresses the following topics:

  • Describe the role that networking can play in your professional life.
  • Explain what you’re doing to keep your “professional brand” consistent across social and professional platforms.
  • List at least two professional organizations within your degree field, which is Healthcare Administration and describe the value you could gain by becoming a member of these organizations.
  • Discuss the steps you could take to develop a professional connection with a mentor or career coach.


  • Your paper should be 3 double-spaced pages including introduction and conclusion.
  • Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references.
  • In-text citation used throughout the assignment and APA-formatted reference list.
  • Please no plagiarism and sources should be 5 years or less.
  • Include headings organize the content in your work.

Foreground and background information

Topic 1: Define and Describe Your Foreground and Background Information

In Unit 1 you identified a PICOT question. Using the same question, rewrite the question for your peers and define the difference between foreground and background information as it relates to your PICOT question. Also, provide a general overview on what evidence is available.

PICOT question

(P) Hospitalized patients diagnosed with acute stroke, (I) how does the implementation of early ambulation(C) compared to delayed ambulation (O) have an effect on everyday functionality (T) over a thirty-day period?

These are the cochrane based references.

Bernhardt, J., Collier, J. M., & Legg, L. (2006). Very early versus delayed mobilization after stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd006187

Chung, C. S., Pollock, A., Campbell, T., Durward, B. R., & Hagen, S. (2013). Cognitive rehabilitation for executive dysfunction in adults with stroke or other adult non-progressive acquired brain damage. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd008391.pub2

Ma, Z., Wang, Q., & Liu, M. (2013). Early versus delayed mobilization for aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd008346.pub2