NSG 6102 South University-Savannah Test Development Question Paper

  • Assignment 2: Test Development Exercises

    Part 2: Writing Test Items

    As part of the test development exercises you began in Week 1, this week you will create an 8–10-page paper (excluding the title page, references, and appendices) based on your test blueprint. You will be practicing developing different types of learning evaluations. Specifically, you will:

    • Include an introduction from the lesson plan
    • Clearly define the learning goal(s) from the test blueprint.
    • Identify four learning objectives/outcomes from the test blueprint
    • Develop five multiple-choice questions based on your test blueprint incorporating the QSEN, IOM, and National Patient Safety Goals’ recommendations for patient safety. ◦Identify the correct answer with an asterisk
    • Analyze the appropriateness of the multiple-choice test items in evaluating the learning objective/outcomes

    Develop two essay questions based on your test blueprint incorporating the QSEN, IOM and National Patient Safety Goals’ recommendations for patient safety,

    • Create a learning scenario with the essay questions
    • Analyze the appropriateness of the essay test items in evaluating the learning objectives/outcomes.
    • Choose one way in which you can evaluate learning using a different testing technique than those listed above incorporating the QSEN, IOM, and National Patient Safety Goals’ recommendations for patient safety.
    • Analyze the appropriateness of the alternative test item in evaluating the learning objectives/outcomes.

    State the directions or each testing method.State the point value for each question.As you create your paper, be sure that you follow APA guidelines for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.

I have attached the test blueprint!!!! You at the best. thanks

Lone Star College Learning Style According the VARK Questionnaire Analysis

VARK Analysis Paper

Learning styles represent the different approaches to learning based on preferences, weaknesses, and strengths. For learners to best achieve the desired educational outcome, learning styles must be considered when creating a plan. Complete “The VARK Questionnaire,” located on the VARK website, and then complete the following:

  1. Click “OK” to receive your questionnaire scores.
  2. Once you have determined your preferred learning style, review the corresponding link to view your learning preference.
  3. Review the other learning styles: visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic, and multimodal (listed on the VARK Questionnaire Results page).
  4. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
  5. Examine how awareness of learning styles has influenced your perceptions of teaching and learning.

In a paper (750‐1,000 words), summarize your analysis of this exercise and discuss the overall value of learning styles. Include the following:

  1. Provide a summary of your learning style according the VARK questionnaire.
  2. Describe your preferred learning strategies. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
  3. Describe how individual learning styles affect the degree to which a learner can understand or perform educational activities. Discuss the importance of an educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners.
  4. Discuss why understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion is important to achieving the desired outcome. How do learning styles ultimately affect the possibility for a behavioral change? How would different learning styles be accommodated in health promotion?

Cite to at least three peer‐reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Regulatory Agencies on Health Care Organizations discussion

You work Public Relations at “Happy Health Hospital”. You receive word of a potential lawsuit put on by a patient, you dont know why the lawsuit is being filed but rumors have begun to fly around the hospital. You study the Sabanes Oxley Act and Volunteer Protection Act and use it to help answer the questions by employees.

What are specific regulations that govern board and how they conduct business?

Can patient find board liable for what happened?

The rubric:

Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Identify regulatory agencies and how they influence the functioning of health care organizations.
Does not identify regulatory agencies and how they influence the functioning of health care organizations. Partially identifies regulatory agencies and how they influence the functioning of health care organizations. Identifies regulatory agencies and how they influence the functioning of health care organizations. Identifies regulatory agencies, and their regulations, and how they influence the functioning of health care organizations.
Discuss the effects of liability litigation risks on health care organizations.
Does not discuss effects of liability litigation risks on health care organizations. Partially discusses effects of liability litigation risks on health care organizations. Discusses effects of liability litigation risks on health care organizations. Analyzes effects of liability litigation risks on health care organizations and identifies specific stakeholders.

Antimicrobial Agents

Antimicrobial agents are essential components in the treatment of various bacterial infections as they help to kill or prevent the growth of microbes such as bacteria, fungi, and protozoans. Prior to the discovery of antimicrobial agents, treatment options for patients with bacterial infections were limited. For many patients, treatment often resulted in the amputation of limbs or even death. Today, treatment options for bacterial infections typically have a more positive prognosis. Due to the various types of infections presented in patients, it is essential to be able to identify the underlying cause of the infection—whether bacterial or viral—before recommending drug treatments. This will help you identify whether or not an antimicrobial agent would be appropriate and which specific agent would target the infection. In this Assignment, you consider the appropriate use of antimicrobial agents for infections.

To prepare:
  • Review this week’s media presentation on principles of antimicrobial therapy, as well as Chapter 8 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text.
  • Consider the categories of antimicrobial agents.
  • Think about differences between viral and bacterial infections.
  • Reflect on why proper identification of the infection is key to selecting the proper antimicrobial agent.
  • Write a 4- to 5- page paper that addresses the following:
    • Describe the categories of antimicrobial agents.
    • Describe differences between viral and bacterial infections.
    • Explain why proper identification of viral and bacterial infections is key to selecting the proper antimicrobial agent.


personality profile paper

I need a 3 full page paper about my personality profile test. it requires two people to do it and compare them and how their relationship works. I already filled the personality test form me and my brother and my color is yellow while my brother is white. the instructions of what should be included in the paper is in Project #2 instructions pleas follow them. the format of the paper is also included in the instruction. the meaning of each color is included in the handout. You can make up the stories and examples you include. If you need any more info please tell me

NURS 6051 Importance Of Standardized Nursing Terminologies Paper

Among the Resources in this module is the Rutherford (2008) article Standardized Nursing Language: What Does It Mean for Nursing Practice? In this article, the author recounts a visit to a local hospital to view the recent implementation of a new coding system.

During the visit, one of the nurses commented to her, “We document our care using standardized nursing languages but we don’t fully understand why we do” (Rutherford, 2008, para. 1).

How would you respond to a comment such as this one?

To Prepare:

  • Review the concepts of informatics as presented in the Resources, particularly Rutherford, M. (2008) Standardized Nursing Language: What Does It Mean for Nursing Practice?
  • Reflect on the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.
  • Consider how knowledge may be informed by data that is collected/accessed.

The Assignment:

In a 2- to 3-page paper, APA format, address the following:

  • Explain how you would inform this nurse (and others) of the importance of standardized nursing terminologies.
  • Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing standardized nursing terminologies in nursing practice. Be specific and provide examples.

The similarities exist because the Hebrew writers borrowed from other creation stories.

Another way to learn from the past is to examine other ancient documents of recorded history. Read Chapters 2 and 3 of Cosmology & Scripture which discusses Ancient Near Eastern Cosmologies and Cosmology in the Scriptures. We will spend some time studying their cosmologies and comparing them to the Biblical Cosmos. This is not to pit ‘us’ vs. ‘them’ in the sense of the Bible vs. other creation stories. We can imagine the Bible falling down from heaven on golden plates where God gave people a supernatural revelation that went far beyond what they could ever imagine or understand. Yet, the Scriptures reveal God working with people and their current struggles and understanding from the beginning to the end. In the New Testament for example we see Jesus speaking to His audience in a very, well Jewish way. Paul specifically addresses real problems that churches were having in his various letters and the book of Revelation records specific messages from Jesus to seven different churches. In other words, it important to get into that ancient culture as best we can and see how God was meeting people where they were at.

In this week’s Dialogue Post, we will try to get into the Ancient Near Eastern worldview and you will craft a post where you do the following:

  1. Choose an element of cosmology that you want to focus on (Earth, Heavens or Sea)
  2. Find two cultural perspectives (other than the Hebrew perspective in the Scriptures) and describe how they thought of the element you chose.
  3. Find the equivalent perspective in the Hebrew Scriptures and describe how they thought of the element you chose.
  4. Be sure to note any similarities and differences and include any relevant sources

In your response post, you will use the evidence presented by one of your classmates to defend or deny the following claim:

The similarities exist because the Hebrew writers borrowed from other creation stories.

Your response(s) should comply with the formatting, content, and word count guidelines, along with the style manual requirements, indicated in the syllabus. Review the grading rubric provided for this discussion forum to ensure the best outcomes for your dialogue assignment.

Submit your original post and response in the Group Dialogue area under Week 2 forum. You can either click on the link above to directly access the Group Page or on Group Dialogue link on the side menu. When you are on the Group Page, click on the group highlighted for you. Once inside, click on Discussion Board option, then click on Add Thread to create a space for your post. Click Submit to make your post available to the rest of the class. To respond to other students’ threads, click on Reply button in the bottom left corner inside of a message.

Read chapters 2 and 3 of Scripture and Cosmology by Kyle Greenwood (Chapter 2: Ancient Near Eastern Cosmologies and Chapter 3:Cosmology in Scripture), p. 33-102.

Mitosis Vs Meiosis video assignment

  • Then, answer the following questions about the video in a short writing assignment.
    1. What is mitosis used for in the human body?
    2. What is meiosis used for in the human body?
    3. How many chromosomes do body cells in humans have? What about gametes?
    4. Why is meiosis called a reduction division?
    5. During which phase is your DNA duplicated?
    6. What does PMAT stand for?
    7. How many times does a nucleus undergo PMAT during Meiosis?
    8. Ultimately, how many gametes are made after one round of meiosis?
    9. Which two processes lead to variations in the genetic makeup of the gametes?

  • Overall, you need 200 words minimum

i need a help for my home works

  • For this project, upload 2 files:1 your source file in rebounds.cpp2 your text file generated (HeightReached.txt)Submit both files at the same time.

EEGR 161 Fall 2017

Project 3

When a ball falls from an initial height h, its speed s when it reaches the floor is given by the relation:

= √2 ∗ h ∗ g where g is the gravity constant 9.81. Immediately after hitting the floor, its speed

becomes s1 = eps*s (where eps is a constant and s its speed before rebounding). The ball will then reach

the height ℎ1 = ( 1)2 /(2 ∗ ) = ( ∗ )2 /(2 ∗ ). After n rebounds, what is the equation of the

height reached by the ball?

Write a program (rebounding.cpp) that computes the height reached by the ball after 1, 2, …, n rebounds

and save the data in file called HeightReached.txt. Print a statement before the height reached.

Your program should define the constant g

Your program should request from the user:

– h0 (the initial height)

– eps (the rebound coefficient, 0< eps <1)

– n (the number of rebounds, 0<= n)

For h0 = 25, eps = 0.9, and n = 10, the height obtained should be around 3.04

 To use sqrt() function you will need to #include <cmath>