Analyze the current United States Congress

Determine which party is in the majority and in the minority in both the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.

For your exam you will be required to write an essay where you will analyze the current United States Congress. Please demonstrate your ability to be analytical in understanding the role which political party affiliation and ideology play in determining public policy. Please assume the role of a congress member and answer the following questions:

1. Determine which party is in the majority and in the minority in both the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.

2. How many Republicans, Democrats, Independents, are in the House and the U.S. Senate?

3. Identify a bill that would introduce if you were a member of Congress. Research the issue. Why is the issue important? Who will it impact? What are the pros and the cons of the issue. As a member of Congress, determine your political party affiliation. Which committee would you send this bill to in the House? Who are the members on this committee? What is the party affiliation for each member? Which committee would you send this bill to in the Senate? Who are the members on this committee? What is the party affiliation for each member?

4. How many votes would you need for your bill to pass the House committee? How many votes would you need for your bill to pass the Senate committee? How might the political party affiliation of each member affect whether your bill survives the committee?

5. If your bill reaches the House floor, how many Democrats, Republicans, and Independents might vote for your bill? If your bill reaches the Senate floor, how many Democrats, Republicans, and Independents might vote for your bill?

6. Will the bill survive Congress? Why or why not? Please elaborate.