Discussion Topic: High Technology Crimes

Discussion topics support this unit’s objective and should be completed after reading all materials. Your responses ought to include original evaluation, synthesis, or analysis of the topic, and contribute to the weekly discussion in a meaningful way. You must complete all discussion topics and reply to your peers’ posts. Refer to the Discussion Board Rubric under Course Resources for additional requirements.

Discussion Topic: High Technology Crimes

Historically speaking, how have advances in technology affected society and criminal activity? What new kinds of crimes have technological advances made possible? Distinguish between new types of crimes produced by advancing technology and new ways of committing “old crimes” that have been facilitated by emerging technologies.

Complete the Unit 5 Assignment: Short Essay

Respond to each question. Each response should be 75–150 words. Incorporate succinct and comprehensive information by citing examples of various models, laws, and justice theories in your answer.

  1. What is due process?
  2. Why is due process such a central notion in American criminal justice?
  3. What would our justice system be like without due process?
  4. Would you want to live in a society that did not guarantee due process rights?
  5. How has technology affected due process in America during the past century?

Use research to substantiate your thoughts and cite a minimum of two credible sources beyond the text material, including one from the Library and one from a credible online resource, and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used. Use proper citations in APA style.

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Save your Assignment in the following format: Last name First name Assignment. (Example: SmithJohn_Unit5_Assignment).

Submit your Assignment by selecting the Unit 5 Assignment in the Dropbox by the end of Unit 5.

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