Do people in marital relationships cheat because of disconnection, feeling betrayed or unloved or fear of commitment?

CLASSMATE-#1—-Martin R.


Research Questions

  1. Do people in marital relationships cheat because of disconnection, feeling betrayed or unloved or fear of commitment?
  2. Is religion seen more negatively due to religious figures deceitful behaviors and church scandals?
  3. Marijuana has been said to be a dangerous drug and should be banned. But, in the same breath, marijuana has been seen as a therapeutic narcotic known to help people with diseases.
  4. Do children, who are victims of child-abuse, subject to violence behaviors in their adulthood life?
  5. What unconditioned stimuli’s triggers violent behaviors in students causing them to commit mass shootings in educational settings?

I attempted to construct five measurable question which will be interesting for a research design once planning is done.  For question number one, the criterion variable would be the individuals (husband or wife) affected. According to Sukal (2013), “The outcome itself is the dependent variable, also known as the outcome variable or criterion; it is the affected variable, or the consequence variable” (Sukal, 2013, para. 7).  My predictor variable was identified as the variables which instigates the behaviors. There are multiple independent variables in this questions which relate to feelings of betrayal, being unloved by your partner, and fear of commitment.  There could also be confounding variables that can play a substantial role within this context.

Question number two, is a personal area of interest due to the many disturbing behaviors being displayed by religious leaders. This will be an interesting topic for a potential research design.  The outcome variable for this question would be religion.  Our independent variables are the disturbing acts themselves such as sexual child abuse and sex crimes which has been covered up and concealed for decades by prestigious religious institutions.  Question threeis yet another interesting topic.  Reason, being, my mother uses medical marijuana for leukemia which is very effective for her.  However, many people see marijuana as a dangerous narcotic?  Nevertheless, the dependent variable here would be dangerous examples vs. effective treatment of the drug since this is being assumed to be both dangerous and therapeutic.  The independent variable, would be considered the marijuana as this is the variable causing either the dangerous concerns which are conflicting with the fact that marijuana is effective in treatment for specific illnesses.

Question fouris yet another area which I am interested in. Social learning theory suggest that a cycle of violence is connected to the violent behaviors demonstrated in intimate-partner relationships, which potentially could stem from what these individuals experience in the home during childhood.  Ireland and Smith (2009) mentioned that, “Links between living in a partner-violent home and subsequent aggressive and antisocial behavior are suggested by the ‘‘cycle of violence’’ hypothesis derived from social learning theory” (Ireland & Smith, 2009, p. 323).  The outcome variables within this context could be multiple, consisting of children, and adults encompassing both genders and sexual orientations.  Independent variables range from types of violence experience (i.e., sexual, physical, or emotional) by the child.

Last but not least, question fivedeals with a prevalent crisis which we are seeing in our children’s place of learning.  School shootings and violence are becoming more prevalent each year within the United States.  The dependent variables can be considered the behaviors triggering violent acts.  These behaviors could be influenced by psychological disorders such as depression which identifies the dependent variables as (murder, suicide, and harm). The independent variables guides our attention to some perceptions behind mass shootings that presents sociological factors that should be taken in consideration as they create associations. Farrall, Jackson, and Gray (2009); Hawdon, Ryan, and Agnich (2010) mentioned that, “Perceptions of social solidarity are expected to capture the individual judgments of a neighborhood’s moral order and sense of community” (as cited by Vuori, 2016, p. 521).


Ireland, T. O., & Smith, C. A. (2009). Living in partner-violent families: Developmental links to antisocial behavior and relationship violence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38(3), 323-39. Retrieved from

Sukal, M. (2013). Research methods: Applying statistics in research. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Vuori, M. (2016). Revisiting local responses to mass violence. Journal of Risk Research, 19(4), 515–532.

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