
  After reading Dye (Chapter 4) and reflecting upon the chapter.

After reading Dye (Chapter 4) and reflecting upon the chapter.  Do politicians in the United States act as an appropriate vehicle for effective change?  Please think about their partisan bias when evaluating and interpretating policy issues.  Is there a more appropriate vehicle?  Why?  Why not?

2.  After reading Dye (Chapter 6) and reflecting upon Bardach, please answer the following….Taxpayers have the burden (as with any public service) of paying for our current prison system.  Understanding that current recidivism rates are high and the cost to tax payers to incarcerate offenders are high, what can the government do to solve the high cost to taxpayers?  Some examples include decriminalization of certain laws and corrections system reform.  Be original and detailed with your answers.  DO NOT COPY OTHER PROPOSED SOLUTIONS.

**Please do not ‘cut and paste’ answers.  MAKE SURE your answer is original and not copying the answer of other students.**

Use these docs as resources for the answers

Chapter Four Outline.docx

Chapter Four.pptx

chapter 6.docx

chapter 6-a.pptx

chapter 6-b.pptx
