Examine the historical context of contemporary issues in education

Examine the historical context of contemporary issues in education.

2. Analyze how educational theories and practices impact contemporary issues in education.

3. Identify components of educational perspectives that will serve as the foundation for students’ philosophy of education.

4. Survey and analyze issues facing the changing demographics of education.

5. Evaluate the impact of technological change on contemporary issues in education.

6. Critique issues related to teaching, learning, and assessment within schools.

7. Analyze methods of the procurement, management, and accountability of funding sources for schools.

8. Use technology and information resources to research contemporary issues in education.

9. Write clearly and concisely about contemporary issues in education using proper writing mechanics.


The following tools and tutorials are resources for this course and will help you succeed at exploring research articles. They should be completed within the first week.

· Complete the tutorial in the Course Tools tab in your course shell and the required quiz in Week 1 entitled “Genius Navigator” to earn your Genius Navigator Badge.


The standard requirement for a 4.5 credit hour course is for students to spend 13.5 hours in weekly work. This includes preparation, activities, and evaluation regardless of delivery mode.

Week Preparation, Activities, and Evaluation
1 Preparation

· Reading(s)

· Chapter 1: Introduction: Understanding School and Society

· Chapter 2: Liberty and Literacy: The Jeffersonian Ideal

· Brackemyre, T. (2012) Education to the Masses: The Rise of Public Education in Early America. History Scene. Retrieved fromhttp://ushistoryscene.com/article/rise-of-public-education/

· Complete the Course Tools and Tutorials in your course shell


· Course Expectations and Introductions

· Discussion (20 points)


· Genius Navigator Quiz (10 points)

2 Preparation

· Reading(s)

· Chapter 3: School as a Public Institution: The Common-School Era

· Chapter 10: Teaching in a Public Institution: The Professionalization Movement

· Gardner, H. (2011). To improve U.S. education, it’s time to treat teachers as professionals. The Washington Post. Retrieved from http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/on-leadership/to-improve-us-education-its-time-to-treat-teachers-as-professionals/2011/07/18/gIQA8oh2LI_story.html

· Case Study

· Terms of Endearment, located in the online course shell


· Discussion (20 points)


· None



· Reading(s)

· Chapter 4: Social Diversity and Differentiated Schooling: The Progressive Era

· Chapter 6: Diversity and Equity: Schooling and African Americans

· Chapter 7: Diversity and Equity: Schooling and American Indians

· Noguera, P. (2014) Responding to the Challenges Confronting Black and Latino Males: The Role of Public Policy in Countering the “Crisis” and Promoting Success. InMotion Magazine. Retrieved from http://www.inmotionmagazine.com/er13/pn_call_roleofpublic.html

· Noguera, P. (2012) The Achievement Gap and the Schools We Need: Creating the Conditions Where Race and Class No Longer Predict Student Achievement. InMotion Magazine. Retrieved from http://www.inmotionmagazine.com/er12/pn_achvgap.html

· Noguera, P. (2012) “Saving” Black and Latino Boys. InMotion Magazine. Retrieved from http://www.inmotionmagazine.com/er12/pn_saving.html


· Discussion (20 points)


· Assignment 1: Case Study – Terms of Endearment (260 points)

4 Preparation

· Reading(s)

· Chapter 5: Diversity and Equity Today: Schooling Girls and Women

· Chapter 12: Diversity and Equity Today: Defining the Challenge