flower colour and shape in petunias. plant with round shaped flowers that are white and cross it to a plant that has purple flowers with…

1. flower colour and shape in petunias. plant with round shaped flowers that are white and cross it to a plant that has purple flowers with “frilled” petals. All of the offspring have round, purple flowers.  A plant is located that is white and frilled and you cross it to your F1 plants. (Assume both of the original parent plants=pure breeding)

a)If the genes for flower color and shape are unlinked, what genotypes and phenotypes of offspring do you expect in the F2 and in what proportions?

b)Suppose you obtain 400 F2 plants in the following combinations: Purple round; 90, purple frilled: 110, white round: 112, white frilled: 88. Perform a chi square test to determine whether or not your prediction for part a must be rejected.

c)Suppose the genes were linked and 40 map units apart. What number of each class of offspring would you expect to see in 400 F2 plants?