How to document your sources in a bibliography

APA Citation Assignment

For this assignment, you will be practicing documenting sources in APA format. For your speeches that require sources, you will have to cite sources both in the text of the speech and also on a separate bibliography page. For this assignment, we are focusing how to document your sources in a bibliography. There are many tools that can help you build a correct APA bibliography page including one built right into Microsoft Word. For guidance on how to cite sources, you can visit the Purdue Owl Website:

Your Task: Create a bibliography or “reference page” (as a word document) with the sources from questions 1-5. Make sure that you follow formatting for an APA reference page. Submit to the assignment dropbox.

1. Find one book that deals with some aspect of public speaking. Provide a full APA citation for that book (remember that the second line of any citation is indented).

2. Find a credible website that deals with some aspect of public speaking. Write an APA citation for the website.

3. Find an article in a scholarly journal (it can be any article; it does not have to be related to the class). You will likely have to use a library database to access the journal. Provide a full APA citation of the article.

4. Find an article in a newspaper (it can be any newspaper, including today’s). Write an APA citation for this article.

5. As part of your research for an upcoming informative speech on Women’s roles during WW II, imagine you have interviewed Rosemary Jackson who worked in an airplane factory during World War II. The interview took place on 9 September 2012 in Minneapolis, MN. Provide an APA citation for this interview.