Pick some contemporary phenomenon we might consider a significant social problem (e.

  1. Pick some contemporary phenomenon we might consider a significant social problem (e.g., global economic inequality, environmental pollution, police brutality, trans and queer violence, global terrorism, mass surveillance, disease epidemics, fraternity/sorority hazing, serious drug use, etc.) and analyze its social significance as insightfully as you can from TWO of the following competing theoretical schools of thought*: Functionalism (Parsons, Merton)
  2. Conflict theory (Mills, Gramsci, Dahrendorf, or Weber)
  3. “Standpoint” theory (Collins, Connell, or Omi and Winant)
  4. Post-colonial theory (Spivak, Fanon, or Bhaba)

*You must select TWO different broad perspectives to apply to your case, but you may use multiple theorists from the broader perspectives of your choosing.

Please help me answer this