Renee was an RBT who worked in early childhood settings with children born to mothers who were addicted to drugs.

Renee was an RBT who worked in early childhood settings with children born to mothers who were addicted to drugs. A number of the children in the program had also been diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Renee believed very much in using behavior analysis to help children. Renee was an articulate person who had media contacts and she was “camera friendly.” From some past training in marketing and public relations, Renee also knew about putting the spin and hype on a media message to get more coverage. In one television interview, to get a lot of attention for the program and for behavior analysis, Renee was quoted as saying, “For these children, behavior analysis offers a miracle. There is no other method of early childhood education that will do what behavior analysis does for these children—it is a proven fact that this population will be successful adults if they have a behavior analysis pre-kindergarten program.”

For media purposes, was Renee justified in adding some hype to her message? Why or why not?  

Which section(s) of the Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts apply in this situation?