Young Adulthood

Course Project Part 2Due Week 7

Young Adulthood (Material from Week 5)

Discuss the physical development of the selected individual during young adulthood. Were there observable changes in growth, strength, and physical functioning? How did lifestyle impact health?

Discuss the cognitive development of the selected individual during young adulthood. What developments in thinking were observed? Were there changes in morals? What possible selves were examined or explored? How did the individual fare with personal control beliefs? What were his or her dreams as a young adult? Discuss the social development of the individual during early adulthood. Were there many close friendships? How did these friendships start? What caused them to grow? What caused other ones to end? How were his or her relationships with family members? How did the individual handle Erikson’s psycho-social task of intimacy versus isolation? Was the person single? Did the individual find love? Get married? Have children? Was the marriage a lasting one? Why did the relationship last or fail? Did the person have children? Were the children planned? How did the individual fare as a parent?

  • 25 points–The answer clearly and fully addresses the concepts in the section. The paper reflects an understanding of the developmental concepts in the section. All concepts are addressed and supported with relevant examples. The answer uses and applies the vocabulary and terminology of developmental psychology when applicable.
  • 18-24 points–The answer addresses the concepts in the section, but it is not completely developed or supported with relevant examples. The answer does not address all of the developmental concepts of the section. The answer does not use and apply the vocabulary and terminology of developmental psychology when applicable.
  • 10-17 points–The answer for the section is incomplete and/or not well supported.
  • 5-9 points–The question is attempted, but the answer is wrong or the examples are inappropriate.