Did the author evaluate or indicate the weaknesses of the available studies?

Did the author evaluate or indicate the weaknesses of the available studies?

Method of Study:

Were qualitative methods appropriate to answer the research questions?
Did the author identify a specific perspective from which the study was developed? If so, what was it?
Did the author cite quantitative and qualitative studies relevant to the focus of the study? What other types of literature did the author include?
Are the references current? For qualitative studies, the author may have included studies older than the 5-year limit typically used for quantitative studies. Findings of older qualitative studies may be relevant to a qualitative study.
Did the author evaluate or indicate the weaknesses of the available studies?
Did the literature review include adequate information to build a logical argument?
When a researcher uses the grounded theory method of qualitative inquiry, the researcher may develop a framework or diagram as part of the findings of the study. Was a framework developed from the study findings?


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Describe the role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in promoting herd immunity and vaccine schedules for US citizens.

Describe the role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in promoting herd immunity and vaccine schedules for US citizens.

Write a 2 pages Word document answering the following questions as 2 separate discussions:
• Select one initiative from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality that improves education and practice for patients with multiple chronic conditions. Explain how this might be done
• Describe the role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in promoting herd immunity and vaccine schedules for US citizens.

Write a 2 pages Word document answering the following questions as 2 separate discussions:
• Select one initiative from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality that improves education and practice for patients with multiple chronic conditions. Explain how this might be done
• Describe the role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in promoting herd immunity and vaccine schedules for US citizens.


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Polypharmacy can lead to dangerous outcomes, especially in older patients. What is polypharmacy and do you practice it?

Polypharmacy can lead to dangerous outcomes, especially in older patients. What is polypharmacy and do you practice it?

Polypharmacy can lead to dangerous outcomes, especially in older patients. What is polypharmacy and do you practice it?

What are some examples of the negative effects of polypharmacy?

What are the important facts to tell a HCP if a patient is admitted to the hospital and is on many medications for many different disease states?


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Discuss the Fawcett’s Meta-paradigm of Nursing and relate the paradigm directly to your POI.I will be attaching much more information regarding this assignment, including my POI paper, but to get started here are the Instructions:

Discuss the Fawcett’s Meta-paradigm of Nursing and relate the paradigm directly to your POI.I will be attaching much more information regarding this assignment, including my POI paper, but to get started here are the Instructions:

For this assignment, you will be further defining your Phenomenon of Interest within a theoretical and scientific framework. The same Phenomenon of Interest (POI) identified in your first written paper should also be used for this assignment. You will begin this paper by providing a concise description of your POI, this information should be a short summary of information your presented in your first paper.

Next, you will discuss the Fawcett’s Meta-paradigm of Nursing and relate the paradigm directly to your POI. How do the four concepts within the meta-paradigm relate to your POI? Is one more important? Do all four have the same level of importance? You should support this section with peer reviewed references as appropriate. Specifically identify the components of the meta-paradigm within your discussion. Be sure to reference the meta-paradigm appropriately.

Then, you will select both a Grand nursing theory as well as a Middle range nursing theory. Take time to review several examples of each type of theory as the selected theories need to “fit” your POI…and work well together.

Grand theory discussion: identify and discuss the inter-related concepts from your selected theory. What aspects of the nursing meta-paradigm are addressed by your grand theory? Then provide information about how you will view your POI through the lens of the grand theory. How does the theory guide your assessment of the POI? How does the theoretical framework chosen categorize or define your POI? How does the theoretical framework effect your perception of the POI?

Middle range theory discussion: identify and discuss the inter-related concepts within the middle range theory. What aspectsof the nursing meta-paradigm are addressed in the mid-range theory? How will this theory guide your assessment/perception of the POI? How does this mid range theory relate to your grand theory?

Complexity science: how does complexity science relate to your POI? Depending on the nature of your POI, this conversation may have different foci for different students. For example, if your POI is glycemic management of the peri-operative patient, this discussion would center on the complex responses of the human body as a Complex Adaptive System. If your POI is focused on a policy change issue, the focus may be on organizational complexities with communication, change, etc. You must identify a Complex Adaptive System that relates to your POI in this section.

Conclusion: this section should not contain any new information but should only provide a summary of what what discussed in the paper.

A few important points:

Since you are going to be discussing theories within this paper, it is very important to provide the PRIMARY source when referencing the theory either in text and on the reference list. Who wrote the theory? And when was it published? Answer those questions and that is who the citation should be. For example, Roger’s theory of unitary beings should be cited to Rogers, not to a text book or journal article that discusses the theory. If you are having problems locating the original source for the theory, refer to the reference lists with articles or in books that your are reviewing. You will almost certainly find the original source referenced within the article or textbook.
This is a scholarly assignment which means it should be liberally referenced with peer reviewed literature. Support what you say with evidence from the literature. There is no “hard and fast” rule for the number of references to include, but for an assignment of this magnitude, I would say that 10-12 references would be a minimum. There a number of potential references provided for you in the Required readings and resources of this Lesson’s Unit. This should be a great start, but searching the literature for further resources is also going to be required.
A copy of the Turnitin originality report should be merged with you paper prior to submission.
A copy of the grading rubric is provided for you as an attachment below as a separate printable document


smilesmile. .


The post Discuss the Fawcett’s Meta-paradigm of Nursing and relate the paradigm directly to your POI.I will be attaching much more information regarding this assignment, including my POI paper, but to get started here are the Instructions: appeared first on submit your homeworks.

Define the bioethical principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, respect for autonomy, veracity, and justice, and point out which of these principles, if any, were violated.

Define the bioethical principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, respect for autonomy, veracity, and justice, and point out which of these principles, if any, were violated.

Ethical dilemmas in nursing

Write an ethical paper on this story below :a one page paper describing, 1) the main issue of the case, 2) the moral dilemma, 3) actions that were taken, and whether you disagree or not, what is the possible ethical purpose of those involved in making the decisions made 4) your reaction to the case, 5) and how you would have (should you have the power) done it differently. You must define the bioethical principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, respect for autonomy, veracity, and justice, and point out which of these principles, if any, were violated.
1) A 66-year-old man had suffered bilateral cerebral
haemorrhages over the course of three months. After
the first stroke he was hospitalised and became very
depressed and expressed suicidal wishes. He was not
therefore motivated to recover and regained little
movement or power of speech. As he had no relatives
and ‘nothing to live for’, staff felt troubled and
powerless to help. His second haemorrhage left him
totally paralysed, and semi-conscious, all basic care
being required. This continued for two months, no
positive signs of recovery being manifest. Medical staff
therefore agreed with senior nurses on the ward to
discontinue nourishing tube feeds and commence a
three-hourly regime of restricted water. Two weeks
later the patient contracted a chest infection and was
only producing extremely small quantities of offensive
urine. In this gravely dehydrated state despite all care
he became generally malodorous and halitotic and few
people entered his room.


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Analyze a public policy in order to advocate for one that improves the health of the public and/or the nursing profession globally (local, state, national, or international).

Analyze a public policy in order to advocate for one that improves the health of the public and/or the nursing profession globally (local, state, national, or international).

develop and thoroughly analyze a public policy in order to advocate for one that improves the health of the public and/or the nursing profession globally (local, state, national, or international).
For this assessment, you will be required to develop and thoroughly analyze a public policy in order to advocate for one that improves the health of the public and/or the nursing profession globally (local, state, national, or international). To do this, you will reflect on several aspects of being a policy maker within the nursing position. A few things to consider are: • Why did you select the health or nursing profession policy issue? • How does this issue affect nursing practice, healthcare delivery, and health outcomes for individual, families, and/or communities? • What are the values and the ethical positions that underpin your perspectives? • What are the criteria you will use to evaluate the success (outcomes) of your proposed policy change? By using both a top-down and a bottom-up approach, you will analyze and bring the nursing perspective to policy makers and stakeholders. Identifying the values and ethical perspectives that underpin your position, you will develop criteria to evaluate the success of your work. This will lead to a created a policy brief that can be sent to decision makers and created a plan to work with an organization/community to promote policy change at the local level. To guide you to your conclusion, using nursing research to support your position is vital. This should include principles of community-based participatory research (CBPR). Requirements: Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Use the Turnitin Originality Report available in Taskstream as a guide for this measure of originality. Professional Communications is a required aspect to pass this task. Completion of a spell check and grammar check prior to submitting your final work is strongly recommended. Note: Your submission may take the form of an essay, multimedia presentation, etc. Be sure to cover each prompt in sufficient detail and support no matter what form you use. A. Prepare your reflection essay (suggested length of no more than of 3 pages) of the values and ethics of a public policy issue by doing the following: 1. Analyze a health or nursing profession public policy issue that impacts a group of people and requires a policy change. a. Discuss why you selected this public policy issue. Note: If you select a local policy, be sure your discussion reflects how the policy will affect more than a single unit, department, or organization. b. Discuss the relevance of the public policy issue to the health or the nursing profession, using two pieces of academically appropriate literature from the last five years. c. Describe the financial impact of the public policy on an organization or on a community. 2. Analyze how your values impact your position on the public policy issue. a. Discuss the ethical principle (e.g., autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice) or theory that underpins your perspective. B. Develop a policy brief (suggested length of no more than 6 pages) for the public policy issue discussed in part A in which you do the following: 1. Identify the decision maker (name and title) who will receive the policy brief. a. Explain why the public policy issue requires the decision maker’s attention, using relevant nursing research from the last five years to support your position. 2. Discuss the main challenges of addressing the selected public policy issue. 3. Discuss the primary options and/or interventions for the decision maker, including why they are tangible. 4


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What are the services provided by mental health courts? How do these services benefit the prisoners?

What are the services provided by mental health courts? How do these services benefit the prisoners?

What are the services provided by mental health courts? How do these services benefit the prisoners? How do these compare to the services already available through the existing criminal justice system?
Assignment 2: LASA 1—Serving Mentally Ill Prison Populations

Deinstitutionalization has led to increased numbers of homeless and has had other unintended consequences. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, up to 40 percent of mentally ill people have become involved in the criminal justice system. In an effort to address the traditional lack of sufficient mental healthcare in jails and prisons, mental health courts have been established, leading to decreased jail time and improved provisions of psychiatric services for mentally ill prisoners (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 1993).

You can read more about this at the link below:

Almquist, L., & Dodd, E. (2009). Mental health courts: A guide to research-informed policy and practice. NY, NY: Council of State Governments Justice Center. Retrieved from https://www.bja.gov/Publications/CSG_MHC_Research.pdf
National Alliance on Mental Illness. (1993). A guide to mental illness and the criminal justice system: A systems guide for families and consumers. Retrieved from
Use the Argosy University online library resources, the Internet, and your textbook to examine the roles that mental health workers play in the provision of services to mentally ill populations in jails and prisons. Find at least two research articles that evaluate the success of mental health service programs for mentally ill populations in prisons. This assignment is a research paper. In paragraph form, please provide a thorough and integrated response to all questions that follow:

What are the services provided by mental health courts?
How do these services benefit the prisoners? How do these compare to the services already available through the existing criminal justice system?
Do the research findings support the establishment of more mental health service programs to imprisoned mentally ill populations? What can be done to improve these services further?
Submit your analysis in Word format. The body of your paper (not including the title page or references page) should be at least 4-5 pages. Format your paper according to current standards of APA style and include an APA-style title page, a running head, and a references page. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.


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373.10 mg of medicine per week must be delivered to person X. If the nursing staff administers medication every eight hours exactly, how much medicine should be delivered at each visit?

373.10 mg of medicine per week must be delivered to person X. If the nursing staff administers medication every eight hours exactly, how much medicine should be delivered at each visit?

373.10 mg of medicine per week must be delivered to person X. If the nursing staf…continues

373.10 mg of medicine per week must be delivered to person X. If the nursing staff administers medication every eight hours exactly, how much medicine should be delivered at each visit?


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Without violating confidentiality, provide background information on your subject (or group/situation), including behaviors observed, any medical information that is available, socio-cultural factors

Without violating confidentiality, provide background information on your subject (or group/situation), including behaviors observed, any medical information that is available, socio-cultural factors

Case Study On A Historical Or Fictional Character
This Case Study is to demonstrate increased knowledge/growth in your ability to identify behaviors and to communicate about treatment. You will demonstrate course-related knowledge in speaking more “deeply” about 1 specific client or complete a case study on a historical or fictional character. Your case study will identify specific behaviors and how those behaviors are evaluated in light of a specific theory.

You will also identify ways that specific behaviors can be addressed in a manner consistent with the theories of your field.(Psychology) (Domestic & Sexual Violence)

· Without violating confidentiality, provide background information on your subject (or group/situation), including behaviors observed, any medical information that is available, socio-cultural factors that might affect treatment, etc.

· Provide information about current behaviors, specifically maladaptive behaviors, and current treatment plans/progress.

· Using knowledge gained in your study of psychology in general and/or your cognate in particular, provide a brief theoretical explanation of your case. (This treatment plan may be hypothetical.)

The paper must fulfil the following criteria:

· 3–4 pages (This does not include title, abstract or reference pages) Therefore, 6-7 pages total includes title, abstract and reference page.

· Current APA format


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-Discuss the international nature of the drug trade. Describe two recent cases in the media concerning your discussion.

-Discuss the international nature of the drug trade. Describe two recent cases in the media concerning your discussion.

2. Debate some of the legal issues involved in dealing with pornography. Where do you stand on the issues?
3. Reflect upon the drug-crime relationship. What is the relationship with addiction and criminal offenses? Can you describe a particular incident in the media and discuss this with the class?
4. Discuss your thoughts on the legalization of marijuana. Do you believe there are benefits from the use of medical marijuana? Where do you stand on legalization, both medical and recreational? Why?


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