Gender roles at work and home

Gender roles at work and home

This week, we will tackle gender roles at work and home.

  1. First, based on your own personal experiences:
    1. Indicate whether you/your family follow traditional or non-traditional roles at home, in terms of the chores assigned to male/female members (e.g., clean, cook, and mow).
    2. Evaluate whether traditional or non-traditional gender roles should be encouraged at home, in the work place, or both. Justify your response, explaining how it is advantageous or problematic in American society. Be sure to indicate the impact these roles have financially for both families and the country.
  2. Second, do you think that men or women deal better with multiple roles; that is, as workers, parents, spouses, and/or children? Justify your response.

Support what you write using the assigned textbook readings and articles. Comment on at least two of your classmates’ initial posts.