hydration station

you talk about that at your place of work; beverages are not allowed at the nurses’ station only in the break room. That too was true at my place of work, however we recently implemented a hydration station at the nurses’ station, which gives us a place to contain our beverages. There are however specific rules, for example they have to be in a proper beverage container, containing a lid, they have to have the name of the nurse and current date, or else it will get thrown out. According to United States Department of Labor and OSHA (n.d.), they do not have a prohibition against having beverages at the nurses’ station, all they require is that it is not near blood or infectious material and because of that we do have a weekly audit of the hydration station, which verifies that we are in compliance with OSHA. Just a thought. Thank you for sharing.


Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA]. (n.d.). Requirements for Covered Beverages at the Nurses’ Station. Retrieved from