Memo #2: Read “Tax Myths” by Lane Kenworthy 1.What is(are) the author’s thesis/main argument? 2. What evidence does the author present to support

Memo #2: Read “Tax Myths” by Lane Kenworthy

1.What is(are) the author’s thesis/main argument?

2. What evidence does the author present to support his/her thesis? Explain with specific examples from the reading.

3. Do you find the author’s arguments persuasive (did the evidence fit the argument)? Why or why not? Can you think of any counterarguments that would contradict/weaken the author’s main argument?

5. Come up with a discussion question. Explain why your question is sociologically important, and describe how the author(s) address/answer or fail to address your question. . A good question is one that cannot be answered with yes/no