The expectancy theory, which is Vroom’s formula, states that Performance = Expectancy Ã? Valence (Tr

The expectancy theory, which is Vroom’s formula, states that Performance = Expectancy × Valence (True or false) The compromising conflict style is appropriate to use when time is short (True or false) An attitude is a strong belief or feeling toward people, things, and situations (True or false) Job satisfaction is the process of determining employee attitudes about the job and work environment (True or false) Praise is a motivator (not a hygiene) because it meets employees’ needs for esteem/self-actualization, growth, and achievement (True or false) Being afraid to be assertive is not a problem; it is not being assertive when one is afraid that is the problem (True or false) Extinction is used to provide an undesirable consequence for undesirable behavior (True or false) The collaborating conflict style is appropriate when time is short (True or false)