Factors Responsible for the Agricultural Revolution in the Nineteenth Century in the United States.


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Factors Responsible for the Agricultural Revolution in the Nineteenth Century in the United States.

The agricultural revolution was characterized by a drastic improvement in farming techniques within a short period of time. Also known as the British Agricultural Revolution, the second agricultural revolution started around 300 years ago in the 18th century. Major changes of this agricultural revolution were systematic crop rotation and selectively breeding livestock. In the United States, revolution in agriculture started stemming in the civil war involved a drastic shift from subsistence farming to commercial agriculture and a shift from hand labor towards machine farming. Despite the tremendous gains that had occurred in the agricultural industry, agriculture remained the basic occupation for the United States. The number of farms in the United States tripled between 1860 and 1910 increasing from 2 million to 6 million. Additionally, the area that was being farmed more than doubled to 351 million from 160 million hectares.

In the United States, the production of basic commodities such as corn, cotton, and wheat between 1860 and 1890 outstripped all the past figures. Notably, the population in the United States more than doubled and the cities recorded the highest growth. During this time, the American farmer was able to grow cotton and grain, clip enough wool, and raise enough pork and beef to supply American workers and their farmers and develop ever-increasing surpluses.

Various factors accounted for the extraordinary achievements of the agrarian revolution. One of the factors responsible was the expansion into the West. Another factor causing the agrarian revolution was the application of machines to farming. Farmers in the 1800s only used a handle sickle that could, at best, cut 20% per hectare of wheat in a full day. However, suing a cradle, 30 years later he could cut 80% of a hectare daily. It seemed miraculous when Cyrus McCormick, in 1840 cut two and a half hectares from two hectares per day using a reaper machine(Fiszbein, 12). McCormick had developed the curious machine for the last ten years. He foresaw the demand of the machine and as a result he decided to move west to the young town of Chicago where he put a factory. By 1860, he had sold 250, 000 thousand reapers. More farm machines were developed rapidly including the threshing machine, the automatic wire binder, and the reaper-threshers. Mechanical cutters, planters, shellers, and huskers appeared, as did potato planters, cream separators, manure spreaders, poultry incubators, hay driers, and a hundred inventions.

Additionally, something that was less important than machinery in the agrarian revolution in the United States was science. The Morrill Land Grant College Act of 1862, assigned public land to every state for the establishment of industrial and agricultural colleges. These were meant to function as both educational institutions and centers for research in scientific farming. Consequently, Congress appropriated funds necessary for the development of agricultural experiment stations across the country as well as gave funds directly to the Department of Agriculture to facilitate research purposes (Lacy and Lawrence 21). By the start of the twentieth century, scientists across the United States worked on a variety of agricultural projects. Ironically, the same federal policy that made it possible for farmers to have increased yields generated vast supplies with the time that pushed market prices down disheartened farmers.

Works Cited

Fiszbein, Martin. “Agricultural Diversity, Structural Change, and Long-Run Development: Evidence from the United States.” American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 14.2 (2022): 1-43.

Lacy, William B., and Lawrence Busch. “The changing division of labor between the university and industry: the case of agricultural biotechnology.” Biotechnology and the new agricultural revolution. CRC Press, 2019. 21-50.

American Civil War

American Civil War

It comes as a surprise that all young northerners oppose slavery mostly to southerners as you cousin. However, I believe that there are many ways to justify to this belief. In your question concerning whether it is true there has been a change of heart on my part, it is true .Abraham Lincoln is the best candidate to reflect ideas I currently support hence the widely spread support in the north especially by the younger generations. Cousin there are many events that led to my sudden change of heart. However, Convincing people from the south to adapt to abstinence of slave trade is at the moment difficult given that most slave-owners come from the southern states (Stowe, 89). I will try my best to answer your queries as much as possible in the view that you will understand my stand and possibly join in the conquest to free black people. Most of the things that led to this change of heart revolve around religion, morals, politics, literary, and finally economics.

The first event leading to my sudden change of heart is the newly formed organization the wide awake. Our constitution is clear that it is good to allow people to exercise their democratic rights. However, the situation that prevails is that segregation is on basis of color. According to research (Stowe, 25), there is lack of humanity in denying other people the right to engage in politics. Wide awakes is currently advocating for a politician to who will steer this country from the current situation. Sincerely speaking cousin they have made me dream of a country where there was no discrimination and black people. As much as I understand your surprise you of all people ought to know that I listen to reasoning. Right now wide awake through their constitutional campaign of a country free of slavery are making me realize that we have been wrong all along. It is not good to stand aside and do nothing while our country weathers away. Through this is not the exclusive reason it is one of the many reasons that made me change my mind.

On the other hand, religion teaches that people should be just and fair. Hence, it is hypocrisy to preach that we ought to be just to all of people while on the other hand black people are under oppression. Hence, it is not out of the blues that the concept of anti-slavery is dear to most religions at this particular time. I know that you believe in the values of respecting humanity according to Christian teachings. Most southerners believe that the force driving northerners is the fact that slavery is not a practice in most of the states. Nevertheless, even though this might have some truth in it, it is the love for humanity that id driving most young people like myself. The thirst to see fellow young people from the southern states enjoy rights like those living in the north is the reason that is changing many hearts. Some few months ago most people from the north had no stand on the issue but with religion taking root in the area rights for all people are fundamental.

In his work about civil war, Catton (100) indicates that maintaining slave trade is uneconomical and is retarding the growth of this county. Currently, Black people are starting to riot in the southern cities causing damage to most cities. Eventually according to statistics, there will be no southern cities. Accordingly, though the southern states are maintain their stand about slavery, eventually they have to change owing to the damage it is about to cause the country. Further studies (Bruce et al 22) indicate that black people are of more value to the country free than under slavery. Furthermore, with the current state the country is unstable owing to the divided opinion on the issue. This is causing the possibility of secession, which will hurt the economy of the greater United States of America (Catton 93). While it is true that slave, owners will bear the burden of allowing slaves to work on their own free will, the larger benefits a more and are not possible to ignore.

You sought to know my expectations of Abraham Lincoln’s Presidency. Though I know that once in office he is likely to face opposition regarding his stand on slavery, I believe that he is the right man to bring sanity to this country. Currently I feel that it is my mandate to make the make moves that will enable this country to move in the right direction and the only possibility of achieving this is by voting for a president sharing the same sentiments. Given that, many young Americans oppose slave trade it is not difficult to understand the reasons as to why most support Abraham Lincoln. Hence, most young people in this side of the country expect a better future for the black population to come from Lincoln upon assuming office.

Accordingly, supporting Abraham Lincoln means voting for change in the country. Change from a country that denies citizens their rights to a country giving each national all liberties. Furthermore, removing slavery from this country means removing possible economic downpour to a county of sound economical opportunities (Bruce et al 24). Hence, black people from the south will live their happily without the current victimization and segregation. Laws that suppress these humble creations of God like the Jim the crow policies will not see the light of the day. Finally, the United States of American will be a just and fair country.

Works Cited

Stowe, Harriet. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”. chapters 1, 5, 9, 1819.Catton, Bruce. “Civil War”, pp. 6—171 (chapters 1—11).Berlin et al., “Free at Last, Phelp’s letter”. pp. 21—25.

Dominant modes of thinking in the mining industry that might prevent or restrict broader and more comprehensive strategic thi

Dominant modes of thinking in the mining industry that might prevent or restrict broader and more comprehensive strategic thinking about challenges to the ongoing viability of the business and how the modes of thinking might be expanded



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Business organisations of all kinds are faced with exciting challenges in the midst of globalisation and challenges that come with these dynamics. Nevertheless, companies need strategic thinking to gear their corporate strategies in a direction that will make them more strategically competitive. When different schools of thought dominate the organisation, it might be an impediment to achieving success in strategic decision making process. Mintzberg and Lampel (1999) reiterated that managers have a tendency to take narrow perspectives and cling on those perspectives in the hopes that these perspectives are helpful in planning yet the managers do not have a choice but to face the entire decision making head-on. Managers that uphold this line of thought have strong attachment to innovative development as a way of achieving the objectives of the strategic decisions.

Recent works have demonstrated that there is a dominant school of thought, which views strategic decision making process in general as leadership (e.g. Hafeez 2009). This is the entrepreneurial school of thought. However, Hafeez (2009) points out that all the managers in an organisation contribute in a certain way in the achievement of the strategic decisions of the company. Therefore, one may not precisely point out that this is the entrepreneurial mind of the organisation. Rather, it is the conglomeration of the minds of the different individuals in the organisation that expands the level of thinking and makes achievement of strategic objectives possible.

Apart from the entrepreneurial school of thought, other individuals generally view the viability of the business in terms of the positioning, others in terms of planning, design or cognitive astuteness of projections. Viability of the business can be improved by taking the strength of each school of thought and determining where the schools of thought intercept then creating a trend from it. This mode of approach is supported by Mintzberg and Lampel (1999) and Hafeez (2009).


Hafeez,K. (2009). Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship. Available: http://www.york.ac.uk/enterprise/cetle/resources/curriculum/entrepreneurship-module.pdf.. Last accessed 4th Sept 2012.

Michael A. Hitt, Raphael Amit, Charles E. Lucrier, & Robert D. Nixon (Jun 24, 2002). Creating Value: Winners in the New Business Environment. London: John Wiley & Sons. p114-158.

Mintzberg, H., & Lampel, J. (1999, Spring). Reflecting on the strategy process. Sloan Management Review, 21–30.

Evolutionary Changes In Automotive Technology

Evolutionary Changes In Automotive Technology

Means of travel have played a major role in the development of civilization. From the initial barefoot means of movement, followed by animal drawn wagons to modern cars, transportation has seen tremendous evolution. Since its invention in the early 1800s, the automobile technology has dramatically changed the society. Besides the changes it has brought in society, the motorcar technology has in itself undergone great advancements over time. As mentioned earlier, before the advent of animal drawn carts or the automobile, people used to traverse the globe on foot. This made travelling, especially when transporting heavy luggage extremely cumbersome until the advent of animal drawn wagons. This made transportation a little bit easier as heavy goods could be transported with ease and for longer distances. This was a convenient mode of transport because the animals only required adequate food and water to facilitate transportation of goods and passengers to their destinations.

The exact date the motorcar was invented is a point of debate. Some people say that Cugnot’s steam car built in 1770 was the first motorcar while others argue that the 1885 Benz tricycle was the very first automobile (Jasanoff and Markle 627). However, this debate depends on the definition of motorcar technology. Steam technology as a way of transportation, has been around for a long period of time since the Cugnot vehicle, driven by a steam engine. In fact the development of the internal combustion engine was to some point based on knowledge resulting from steam technology since the two types of engines operate on the same principle. The major elements in both types of engines included: pistons, axles and high pressure. One of the pioneers of the internal combustion engine was Ettiene Lenoir. He made an internal combustion engine whose design and operation resembled a steam engine although he had an industrial purpose for the engine he made. This concept was enhanced by Otto, who invented the four stroke principle. Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler employed the Otto design to come up with a motorized vehicle in 1885. These individuals’ efforts are universally acknowledged in the birth of the automobile.

Between the years 1885 and 1918, more automobiles were built and this brought about vast changes in the society’s way of living. Various parts of forests were cleared to pave way for road constructions between towns and countries. This activity destroyed very many animal habitats. The construction of road network prompted the opening of numerous commercial centers in the rural areas where people traded products from other parts of the globe since transportation was much easier and faster. Peoples’ eating habits changed since they could easily access foodstuffs from other corners of the world which were previously inaccessible. The advancement of the automobile technology also changed many people’s economic activities. A good number of people began oil mining activities to supply fuel to the many automobiles that were built in this period of time. This created more job opportunities in both the mining and refining companies which greatly improved their living standards. The interaction of people from various corners of the world brought about many cultural changes. People from far ends of the world met at commercial centers and cities and shared their cultural practices and in so doing new cultures came into being.

From 1919, there was rapid development of automotive technology. This was because hundreds of small manufacturers competed to gain the world’s attention. Among the major developments were the electric ignition and the electric self starter, initiated by Charles Kettering for the Cadillac Motor Company (Frenken and Nuvolari 419). This was followed by the independent suspension system and four wheel brakes. During this period marketing plans profoundly influenced automobile design as cars were mass produced to meet the market needs. Later Alfred P. Sloan came up with idea of diverse makes of automobiles produced by one company. With the swift pace of change, different makes shared automobile parts which resulted in reduced costs for each price range in larger production. For instance, LaSalles, which were sold by Cadillac, employed cost effective mechanical parts from Oldsmobile in the 1930s While Pontiac shared doors, roof, hood and windows with Chevrolet in the 1950s (Mumsford 67).

The rapid development of automotive technology together with the high competition among the manufacturers to meet the market requirements enhanced the making of more complex vehicles changing the society in its wake. For instance, Cars with higher speeds built during this period, led to the conversion of horse racing facilities to new, faster, extra dangerous and therefore more exciting, motor racing. During this period, sophisticated military automobiles were designed and made by different countries and were put to greater use during the world war one and world war two claiming a lot of human life. The mass production of automobiles worldwide came with an increased rate of road accidents that has up to date claimed a reasonable number of people, denying the world the much needed human resource. The larger number of automobiles produced during this period also had an adverse effect on the environment. The fumes and dust from the numerous numbers of vehicles in the world played a major role in the pollution of the atmosphere.

In 1965, emissions regulation was implemented in California after recognizing the harmful effects of the automobile industry. This led to another step in the advancement of the automobile technology. New models for hybrid, electric and driverless or robotic cars have been made. It is estimated that by the year 2020, 2% to 4% of the automobiles in the world will be prototypes of these models (Gijis 46). The focal point of these models is the drive train, the engine, the steering, the suspension and the electrical and computer systems of the automobiles. These vehicles will be more expensive and will require knowledgeable drivers.

I believe the evolution of automobiles has significantly led to advancements in almost all sectors of life. The automobile has not only created different types of industries from car assemblies, parts manufacturing to even drilling, transportation and distribution of fuel. Many industries have emerged from the development of the car. However, the ease and convenience brought about by the evolution of the car has had its own share of disadvantages. From environmental pollution to loss of lives in accidents, the automobile has equally been responsible for so much misery in the world. Better were the days when we would never wage war against each other simply to control the price of oil.

Works Cited

Frenken, K. and Nuvolari, A. “The early development of the steam engine: an evolutionaryinterpretation using complexity theory.” Industrial and corporate change 13.2 (2004):419-450. Web. <http://icc.oxfordjournals.org/content/13/2/419.abstract>

Jasanoff, S. and Markle, G. E. Handbook of science and technology studies. Thousand Oaks,CA: Sage, 1995. Print.

Mom, Gijis. Conceptualizing technical change: alternative interaction in the evolution of theautomobile. Tackling Transport. 3 (2003): 9-46. Web. 30 March, 2011.<http://jdh.oxfordjournals.org/content/21/2/171.abstract>

Mumford, L. The myth of the machine. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1967. Web. 30March, 2011. < http://hhs.sagepub.com/content/16/4/39.abstract>

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

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Domestic violence is associated with male batterers and female victimization. The abuse can either be psychological or emotional and it can destroy an individual tremendously. Most abuse occurs between couples either married or staying together this usually as a result of one individual trying to dominate the other which is commonly known as Intimate partner violence. Abusers have traits that are similar to one another they have behavior signatures that are common to violence.

Characteristics of abusers

Characteristics of abusers can either be social, emotional, psychological or physical. An abuser will be extremely violent especially if they find out their partner is leaving them, an abuser will clench his fist every time an argument ensues. He will most probably lash out so as to maintain control over the victim this shows power.

An abuser is usually extremely jealous and will confront you by becoming physically abusive when it comes to arguments. An abuser will be violent at one point and then tends to capture a partners heart once again by being extremely good .He will however have a history of constant violence. He or she will be extremely jealous and will eventually affect your social life by cutting you off your social clique (Hoffman, 2002).

An abuser will eventually get angry and become violent when taking alcohol and drugs. He /She might become angry when intoxicated and this will automatically lead to physical threats or verbal abuse. He will eventually blame his entire violent outburst on you by pointing out how his life has changed. The abuser will have weapons that he has threatened to use them and if there was an arson attempt in his past records can be a weapon. Violent abusers are difficult to predict because they have control issues and are crazy.

Characteristics of abusers in domestic violence

Controlling partners are more often the course of violence in a relationship. The partner might be overprotective by either becoming jealous of other friends either male or female. Accusations of being unfaithful and discourages friends from visiting. The partner will also keep track of what you are doing and criticism on little things (Barri Flowers, 2000).

Demanding and possessive wants you not to associate friends and family and constantly accuses and ridicules them. Manipulative and shows off because he knows she is inferior to him .He becomes abusive verbally and tends to use your tainted past to cause you pain and suffering. A perpetrator has a low self esteem and can only identify themselves by the partnership relations.

Partners may be Irresponsible, immature and childish where he does not take responsibility for himself. He will probably pot ray she fact that he is not reach is because he married you. Partner also blames you for his addictions and behaviors. Violent behaviors by forcing you to have sex un willingly. The partners might threaten to use weapons against you and tends to destroy things in the house when he becomes angry.

Partners who constantly criticize friends, families will try to break the relationship between them. He will be abusive and will blame them for his problems .He or she will be quick tempered and hates to be ordered around and becomes hypersensitive. The abuser will have a low self esteem and their self confidence might fragile.

Another cause of violence in a relationship is Substance abuse. Evidence suggests that substance abuse plays a critical role in partnership violence and is related to men who have a history of violence. Battering is mostly common when an individual is high and they might cause extreme injuries to partners (Barri Flowers, 2000).

A study conducted in 1994 showed that defendants accused of murdering partner were abusing drugs before the incident. It is not necessarily true that most men who take alcohol are abusers and also not all abusers take alcohol. Excessive drinking is dangerous as partners may not be in control of abusive behavior. Partners who abuse alcohol are most likely take their frustrations and blame it on the partners (Hoffman, 2002). Men are said to be the once affected by this the most not excluding women who are equally dangerous.

Drug abuse related abuse are really high according to a US research, substance abuse has been said to cause long term effects on a family. The research showed that substance abuse is directly related to violence example Young men like to abuse drugs and when one is intoxicated it is difficult to control emotions. The over use of drug substances has caused a statistic that has shown a woman is beaten every 15 seconds very disturbing statistics. Substance abuse by youth affects women abuse directly as it is attributed to violent relationships.

According to research a man drinks to be emotionally free from stress. It is not true to say that a man is violent when he is drunk. Violence will never cease when he stops or maybe it will but it has not been proven. Batterers are perceived to take alcohol or drugs to block away the memories of their past. Physical assaulted childhood’s most likely lead to violent individuals. The y takes drugs to remain sane and to push away the thoughts .Violent relationships are mostly related to intoxicated individuals than sober minded men

There has been insufficient evidence to prove alcohol abuse and domestic violence it has been shown to trigger only.

In General substance abuse is common in most homes especially to the younger generation. They tend to express their feelings and emotions with violence other than words. An abuser will try to show who is in power and by rejection by the partner will be equivalent to violence (Hoffman, 2002).In a research done it was shown that pride is also a factor that increase violent reactions .He or she will use force and words like don’t you know how I am or push you away like a piece of paper. Through anger he or she will strike objects and break objects to physically as how he feels.

Intoxicated persons who batter their wives always look for something to blame and they blame substance abuse especially alcohol. It has not been proven that alcohol leads to violent occurrences between partners but it is more often found that intoxicated individuals show no constraint while battering their partners


Barri Flowers, R (2000) Domestic crimes, family violence and child abuse: A study of contemporary American society. (pp. 23-56). North Carolina: McFarland.

Hoffman, R. W. S. A. M. (2002). Domestic violence: A global view. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group.


Evolution Of The Mobile Phone

Evolution Of The Mobile Phone

The idea of evolution was made popular by a scientist and theorist Charles Darwin to explain the origin of living organisms. According to Drawing, complex living organisms, living organisms like man developed from simple minute life forms through slow but gradual increase in complexity over the years. Although Darwin used evolution in the context of living organisms, scrutiny of the historical development of mobile phones (or cell phones) reveal that it has equally undergone evolution , both functionally and structurally, over the years.

A mobile telephone is (or cell phone) a wireless device used to convey voice messages and information; it connects to the public through a telephone network (Ling 2). This is the definition that we can give it today. Originally telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell on March 10, 1876, in Boston, fashioned by Thomas Watson. It was made of wooden stand, a funnel, a cup of acid, and some copper wire. After being patented by Mr. Bell, the telephone never worked until three weeks later after Mr. Bell used ideas laid down by Mr. Gray. Elisha Gray also wanted to patent the Telephone, but was late in a matter of hours leaving it to Mr. Bell (Fagen 6). The history of telephone began long even before that, humans in their endeavors always wanted to relay information from afar off. Use of smoke signals, drums, carrier birds especially pigeons, mirrors and horns are ways that humans have tried to use in communication (Fagen 93).

Man was now able to communicate over long distances but the challenge came when he need to move from one place to another. The inconvenience of the telephone was that it had wire connection making it yet difficult to communicate with those travelling on water or by vehicles. Another reason was that it was an expensive exercise that needed cable, transmitters and receiver for it to work effectively. However in 1924 Bell Laboratory had already tested mobile telephone. Primitive mobile phones were there before World War II; these were designed two way radios for the government or industry (Brooks 41). The calls were fixed manually into the landline Telephone network.

After the World War II infrastructure was depleted and communication was greatly needed. Concentration by companies to provide landline phone and services was key but, by then, research and development in mobile radio was still being carried out. After the war the US remained physically intact, with the growth of Motorola Corporation and presence of scientists and radio engineers to use in creation of a mobile phone. The US had all it needed for mobile phone, on July 28, 1945; a cell radio was first exemplified in print. Soon, a two way radio service situated in western Bell began operating mobile telephone services. The Motorola Corporation radio installation was done by Bell systems (Brooks 55). The mobile telephone service was later modeled after an adoption design of a phone type known as dispatch radio. Such mobile phones had an antenna centrally located so as to ensure transmission of waves and information to mobiles a cross relatively wide area. These mobiles were modeled in a manner that they were car based ; that is, having the transmitter placed in the car boots and the receivers in the cab (Fagen 72). The system was bulky and used much electricity that the head lights of the car dimmed as one made calls.

In 1978 then came the introduction of the analog system, where the Bahrain Telephone Company (Batelco) began operating the first full fledged commercial mobile phone system. It comprised of simple two cell scheme that had 250 subscribers, operated on 20 channels in the 400 Mhz band, and used Panasonic. Then later in 1984 the first portable designed were made, they were big and heavy called the transportable. Then came the GSM phones these phones the abbreviations standing for Global System for Mobile Communications, this was in the 1982 done by European phone companies(Grosvenor and Morgan 5). By this time the GSM system covered a wider area and the phones were less bulky as compared to their predecessors. In march, 1990 the North American cell network adopted digital standard of mobile communication with the increase of demand of mobile phone there was a need to digitalize GSM which worked with existing mobile phone systems.

In August 1996, the communicator was introduced by Nokia Company. This was a more advanced phone with an inbuilt microcomputer. This phone had a more sophisticated key board, inbuilt software for word processing and writing, as well as calendar programs. Moreover, the phone was made in a manner that it could be used to send as well as receive fax, access internet, including e-mail (although in a limited way, in that one could not access bulky information from internet). However, this phone still had some limitations: its designers over concentrated on fine-tuning voice features at the expense of data-related features. Therefore, from this point, improvements were done on subsequent makes to rectify other viral features. By then, the speech aspects had been settled and focus now turned to data and network issues. Various researchers and technologists were striving to make a breakthrough in areas that still needed to be addressed and which received more of consumer attention.

Owing to internet commercialization in the mid 1990s, attention of mobile makers shifted to internet so as to entice the consumers with the products as well as to satisfy the customer demands by incorporating efficient internet features in phones that were being constructed. Graphical browsing features such as Netscape and Mosaic as well as the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) were now being built in phones. With improvements, other features such as blue tooth were being added. Meanwhile, changes were also occurring in terms of the sizes of phone makes. While the pioneer phones were quite big in size and heavy, the latter makes were gradually becoming smaller and lighter. A very advanced key board as well as other display features had developed tremendously.

Towards the end of 19th Century, landmark advancement with regards to cell phone circuitry was being undertaken. A laptop-kind of instrument was being built on phones, leading to the emergence of black berries. Black berries had varied and much more advanced applications, a more enhanced memory and could be used as a computer in a number of applications. The upcoming of Black Berries left people wondering precisely what a mobile phone was as it had obviously got out of communication domain to many other applications.

The mobile phone has not only become a vice communication device, but a, navigation device, eReader, security alarm, game console, telemetric and possible yet a host of new devices we haven’t even imagined yet. Consumers are communicating with email, instant messaging, twitter, facebook, video, VoIP, and a host of other social networking applications that use a mix of voice, video, and messaging. In the US, where over 60% of the consumer’s access mobile web and applications, the trends are more pronounced in the 18-29 age demographic. For example, over 92% of this young demographics regularly texts, 34% emails, and 34% does instant messaging, which is at approximately twice the national average. (Maren et. al. 23).

Mobile phones have now become a fundamental component of modern lifestyle. It is hard to imagine a life without one, in view of myriad of roles that they perform. It is a product that has undergone both structural and functional evolution. Starting from simple wire connection with some simple chemicals, in the mid-nineteenth century, phones have now become highly sophisticated electronic devices that a lay man would definitely not understand. Phones are no longer used solely for communication, but also for entertainment, security, alarming purposes, temperature detection, arithmetical operations, in timing as calendars and diaries; the list is endless. These are roles that were not envisaged in the earlier periods of the evolution of phones but have now become part and parcel of most cell phones.

Works Cited

Brooks, John. Telephone: The First Hundred Years. New York: Harper and Row, 1975 link http://books.google.co.ke/books?id=ioy4AAAAIAAJ&q=Telephone:+The+First+Hundred+Years&dq=Telephone:+The+First+Hundred+Years&hl=en&ei=szeQTfSoM429cciFvY8K&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCwQ6AEwAA

Fagen, M.D., ed. “A History of Engineering and Science in the Bell System.” The Early Years, 1875 -1925, Volume 1. New York: Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1975. http://science.jrank.org/pages/48873/Bell-Labs.html

Grosvenor, Edwin and Morgan, Wesson. Alexander Graham Bell: The Life and Times of the Man Who Invented the Telephone. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1997. http://books.google.co.ke/books?id=pA9HYJ7N2fkC&pg=PA104&dq=Alexander+Graham+Bell:+The+Life+and+Times+of+the++++++Man+Who+Invented+the+Telephone.&hl=en&ei=STmQTaTkE4zNsgbvlNWZCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Alexander%20Graham%20Bell%3A%20The%20Life%20and%20Times%20of%20the%20%20%20%20%20%20Man%20Who%20Invented%20the%20Telephone.&f=false

Ling, Richard ,S.: The Mobile Connection. San Francisco :Morgan Kaufmann, 2004. http://books.google.co.ke/books?id=oSwCQ6y6wq8C&printsec=frontcover&dq=The+Mobile+Connection&hl=en&ei=UT-QTYCCCYnfsgaD-fjSAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCwQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false

Maren, Pathartmann et. al. After the mobile phone. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2008. http://books.google.co.ke/books?id=2dEZYSG6zcC&printsec=frontcover&dq=After+the+mobile+phone&hl=en&ei=3jqQTZ6bKMz4sgagz4iVCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCwQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false

Factors Of Economic Development

Factors Of Economic Development


Economic development involves actions that are sustained and concerted by policy makers and the entire community. These actions lead to improved standards of living as well as the economic health within a specified area either in the local, regional or global environment. Economic development can also be termed as the qualitative and quantitative changes that occur within an economy. For economic development to take place there has to be contributions by various factors. Some these factors can lead to economic development if they are appropriately managed (Mohr, 2012). There is a lot of interest in macroeconomics when it comes to these factors of economic development. Macroeconomics deals with performance, behavior, structure and the entire decision making of an economy in general as opposed to looking at individual markets. This encompasses national, regional as well as the global economies. Through microeconomic there is the aggregation of indicators like GDP, price indexes and the rates of unemployment that enable the understanding of the functioning of the entire economy. This paper will look at various factors of economic development and how they contribute to economic development.

Good government

The system of government that is found within a country is a major determinant of the economic development that can take place within the country. This is because; most of the industries in a country are under the control of the government in one way or another. There are government agencies that usually maintain the standards of operations within the industries. The government also has the duty to approve of investments that are being made in the country. These investments are what bring about economic development within the country since they will be made in different sectors of the economy. Therefore, it is important for good governments to be in place which will encourage and allow investments in different sectors of the economy .this particularly the sectors that have a potential when it comes to economic development. There are policies that government set that favor businesses such as tax incentives, and encouraging of a business culture which can lead to economic development. Without a good government that allows investment and sets policies that can lead to economic development then a country can not realize economic development (Wijeya Newspapers Ltd ,2010).

Market economy

Market economy is an economy where decisions that pertain to investment, production are made on the basis of supply and demand. The market economy is characterized by making decisions pertaining investment as well as the allocation of the producer goods through markets. The market economy is an important factor when it comes to economic development of a country. This is because; there can be creation of market economies that support economic development. This is such as the creation in demand of products from particular sectors of economies which will lead to increase in investment in such sectors and hence economic development in the sectors (Mohr, 2012).

Human capital

People are very important when it comes to the economic development within a country. This is because; human capital is needed in virtually all sectors of the economy. Without the contribution of people in the production process, manufacturing, marketing and other areas of production then economic development can not be realized. Therefore to ensure that people give their all towards economic development their interests should be looked into. Otherwise if not treated well then people will not work hard towards the development of the economy within the country.

Property rights

Property rights have to be safeguarded in all ways possible. There are some inventions that are made in particular sectors of the economy. These inventions can lead to economic development and hence the rights to these inventions should be protected. This protection will ensure that it the country from which the inventions were made that enjoys its benefits. If these rights are not protected other malicious people can use them for their own gain which will not be helpful to the country. Therefore, for economic development to be encouraged there should be safeguarding of property rights.


Integrity is a very important factor of economic development that has to start from the government down to the other players in the different sectors of the economy. Integrity requires that there is accountability and transparency within the different sectors of the economy. Transparency means that the decisions that are taken should be enforced in a manner that is open which allows strict following of rules s and regulations. This is only realized if information is given freely and is accessible for the people who are affected by the decisions. Accountability is only enforced if there is transparency as well as the existence of the rule of law (Tromp,2010).If there is no transparency there will be corruption which can really have an impact on economic development. If corruption exists then only specific people gain as opposed to the entire nation hence there cannot be economic development. Economic development can only be realized if there is integrity and hence it should be encouraged in all sectors.


The geographical location of a country is very important when it comes to the economic development. There are countries that are located in areas where here is oil, gas, useful minerals and so on. The geography of such countries influence the economic development since these resources are going to be tapped and made useful for the country (Bloch, & Tang, 2011).

Openness to trade

If a country is open to trade it means that it can trade with other countries freely. The country can export what they have in surplus and also gain what they do not produce. If their exports are more than their imports then the country will be at an advantage and hence their economy will develop. It is therefore very important for a country to be open to trade with other countries since it leads to economic development (Bloch, & Tang, 2011).

Strong investment ratio

A strong investment ration is very important to economic development. Strong investment ration means that a lot of investments are being made within the country. This leads to the expansion in various sectors of the economy that can eventually lead to economic development.


All these factors are important for a country to undergo economic development. They have a crucial role to play in economic development hand hence they should be safe guarded. Without these factors no economic development can be realized.


Bloch, H. & Tang, S. (2011). Deep determinants of economic growth: institutions, geography and openness to trade. Retrieved May 2, 2013 from

Mohr, A. (2012). Factors Affecting Economic Development and Growth. Retrieved May 2, 2013 from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/factors-affecting-economic-development-growth-1517.htmlTromp, E. D. (2010).The importance of integrity for the development of a country. Retrieved May 2, 2013 from http://www.bis.org/review/r101209c.pdf?frames=0Wijeya Newspapers Ltd. (2010).Good governance and economic development. Retrieved May 2, 2013 from http://www.sundaytimes.lk/100110/Columns/eco.html






During the 19th century there was a massive competition among the western countries on the colonial states and one of the affected parts of the world was Africa and Asia (Spickard, 2009) . It is during this time that the industrial revolution was at its peak and the ideas of mercantilism were rife. This necessitated need for labor to work in agricultural plantations in the United States and other western countries. The US was involved in many economic expansion activities that also included structural development which required heavy labor supply. Asians were forcefully or induced to migrate to the US and some ended in Hawaii (Spickard, 2009). In the US they were engaged in building railway and other infrastructures while in Hawaii they were engaged in working in large sugarcane plantation. It is important to point out that the type of treatment they received in these two places were different. The working conditions were almost the same but in the US the Asians faced more isolation and racial segregation than in Hawaii. The factor in this case was due to clustering of Asians in Hawaii where most of them lived under the same residence and gained a grip of their social and cultural identity.

In the US the working conditions were harsh as the whites only treated the Asians as workers worth nothing more. The Africa-Americans were not exceptional under this oppressive culture of the whites and this made them to be grouped socially as the Asians (Spickard, 2009). Hawaii was by that time dominated by the Asians and this gave them the sense of belonging that make them appreciate cultural integration and this consoled them as they restored their cultural identity gradually. The other difference is that in US they could own some businesses in their poorly housed residential locations and enjoy some entertainment like in the case of Filipino settlement in San Diego. On the other hand, Hawaii had limited time in engaging in other activities since they labored in the plantations day long.


Spickard, P. R. (2009). Japanese Americans: The formation and transformations of an ethnic group. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers University Press.

How to Minimize Stress


Professor’s name



How to Minimize Stress


Stress is a common experience for many people. Millions of adults across the United States admit to feeling stressed or anxious daily. Many people are dealing with stressor issues in their day-to-day life. Some of the common causes of stress include health concerns, work, family issues, and financial obligations. Worth noting, factors such as personality type, genetic factors, coping stress, level of social support and coping style tend to influence people’s vulnerability to stress. Research points out that people of color, individuals in social work and health care professions, and individuals identifying as LGBTQIA+ tend to be more predisposed to high-stress levels than other people. This text highlights self-care, spending quality time with family, and managing responsibilities as ways to minimize stress.

Self care

The first strategy people can employ to reduce stress in their life is observing self care. At times, people get caught up in many responsibilities that they forget to cater to their personal needs. This is particularly the case for mothers who have major caregiving responsibilities. While prioritizing self care is difficult amidst many responsibilities, people should always take the time to care for themselves as it helps relieve stress. Self care can be as simple as taking a nap, getting a massage or keeping a journal. Additional self-care ideas include decluttering, putting on a face mask, opening the blinds, taking three deep breaths and full-body stretching. Going for a walk is also a form of self care as exercise is good for the body and mind. While a person might not always have the time to engage in intense workouts, a simple brisk walk is an excellent self-care technique (Christmann, Hoffmann, & Bleser, 2017). Deep conditioning hair is also a form of self care. One can deep condition their hair while in the tub and leave it there as one relaxes. Taking care of one’s feet is also another strategy for self care. One can do this by soaking their feet to soften the calloused skin. Afterwards, one can remove the dead skin using pumice and finish with foot cream and simple nail polish. This can go a long way in relieving stress in a person. People tend to handle more life stress when they are at their best, both emotionally and physically. A simple hot bath or massage or any other form of pampering tends to revitalize a person inside and out. In addition to improved emotional well being and physical well being, self care is important as it makes a person a better caregiver. People that neglect their needs are likely to display feelings such as low self-esteem, increased levels of unhappiness, and feelings of resentment.

Spending Quality Time with Family

Another technique people can use to relieve stress is spending quality time with family. We live in a fast-paced modern world that can be stressful for many people. Most people will agree that the best way to relieve stress is to go on vacation either alone or with a partner to spend quality time relaxing and get away from the busy cities. At one point, families tend to experience stress in one way or another and those who are prepared for such times tend to be much prepared to cope with the challenges. Spending quality time with family is essential for living a fulfilling and complete life. Family is not always necessarily blood relatives; it can be close friends, step-siblings or guardians. Simple activities such as cooking and eating meals as a family or even playing a sport provides unexpected advantages and boosts physical health. Physical games tend to boost strength development and endurance. They are both excellent techniques for improving mental strength and fitness. Doing work in a group or playing board games is a good way to relieve stress. Additionally, going outside and partaking in family activities such as gardening, watching theatre shows or movies and gardening goes a long way in helping people relieve stress. Face-to-face interactions as opposed to digital communication with family significantly curtail the occurrence of anxiety, depression, and other mental health illnesses (Kassymova, Kosherbayeva, Sangilbayev, & Schachl, 2018). Consulting with a qualified medical professional is highly advised because stress impacts the mind more than the body.

Managing Responsibilities

Managing responsibilities is also another viable strategy that people can use to manage stress in their life. When people manage their responsibilities well, they are likely to lead a more satisfying, healthier, happier and more productive life. Effective stress management helps break the stress that a person has on their life, enabling them to lead a more fulfilled life. When one manages their responsibilities well, they lead a balanced life. They have time for relationships, relaxation, fun, and work.


In closing, effective stress management has to do with self-care, managing responsibilities, and spending quality time with family. However, it is important to note that managing stress is not a one-size-fits-all. As such, it is important to experiment and combine strategies that work best for a person. Seeing that stress has an impact on emotional well-being, it is important to consult with a qualified medical professional for advice. Medical experts help people understand what triggers stress and how best they can manage their mental health.

Works Cited

Christmann, C. A., Hoffmann, A., & Bleser, G. (2017). Stress management apps with regard to emotion-focused coping and behavior change techniques: a content analysis. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5(2), e6471.

Kassymova, K., Kosherbayeva, N., Sangilbayev, S., & Schachl, H. (2018). Stress management techniques for students. In International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Personality Formation in Modern Society (ICTPPFMS 2018) (pp. 47-56). Atlantis Press.

American Art Reflection

American Art Reflection



American Art Reflection

American art has undergone significant changes over the years, which have contributed to the trends of art. Some of the trends in the performing arts include the increasing popularity of live performances in small organizations both locally and internationally. Improved productions and the increase in size of the larger organizations are also other interesting trends of art. Non-live arts have also gained popularity through media broadcasts, which have gradually replaced live performances. This is attributable to the increased cost of attending live performances and the enhanced quality of electronically recorded performances. Thus, Americans have opted for home-based entertainment in place of live performances (McCarthy, Brooks, Lowell, & Zakaras, 2001).

The critical method was coined by DuPont in the 1950s, and it is used to examine and criticize various systems including art. The method aims at avoiding process bottlenecks and time-frame setbacks. Besides art, it can be applied in research and development where the Internet can be used to verify the information provided and examine it critically. This helps in making informed decisions before accepting the claims, ideas and facts provided by the research results. Thus, the critical method is useful in validating opinions, knowledge and ideas, interpreting issues and solving problems in various systems and processes.

American art can be used to create a vivid picture of American history through various pieces of art such as paintings, decorative art, sculptures, and architecture. Through paintings and prints, American history can be brought alive in a class where students can view various historical events through artistic images. For example, genre paintings are used to narrate historical events where contemporary images of people and objects are painted to create a historical scene. These paintings are indispensable in teaching American history because they clearly elaborate America’s past. For example, The Exhumation of the Mastodon by Charles Willson Peale is a scientific painting, exhibiting Peale and his family exhuming a prehistoric mastodon (Howe, 2014). The painting elaborates the introduction of technology at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Therefore, one can understand American history through American art objects particularly paintings.


Howe, D. W. (2014). Using works of art in teaching American history. The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. Retrieved on 27 Jan. 2014 from http://www.gilderlehrman.org/history-by-era/war-for-independence/resources/using-works-art-teaching-american-history

McCarthy, K. Brooks, A. Lowell, J. & Zakaras, L. (2001). The Performing Arts: Trends and Their Implications. RAND Corporation. Retrieved on 27 Jan. 2014 from http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/RB2504/index1.html